IV Semester Examination May 2019 

                   BACHELOR OF PHARMACY

                   Physical Pharmaceutics - 2


Time :- 3 hrs.                                        Marks :- 80

Answer any FIVE questions :-

1. a) Classify different types of Colloids giving their salient features with the suitable examples. (8)

b) Discuss the kinetic properties of the Colloids. (8)

2. a) Explain non-Newtonian type of flow with the rheograms, mechanisms and suitable examples. (8)

b) Describe the principle and working of Bob and Cup viscometer. (8)

3. a) Define the Thixotrophy. Draw different types of thixotrpic curves and explain the mechanisms for their behaviour with the suitable examples. (8)

b) Describe the Heckle equation for different types of materials. What is the significance of the Heckle equation? (8)

4. a) Discuss the factors which improve the physical stability of the emulsions. (10) 

b) What is the difference between the deflocculated and flocculated suspension ? (6)

5. a) Write the principle and the method involved in the determination of particle size in a powder using Andreason apparatus. (8)

b) What is specific surface of the particles ? Describe one method to determine its experimentally. (8)

6. a) Explain the methods for determination of order of the reaction. (10)

b) Describe the method of prediction of the shelf life. (6)

7. Write short notes on any four of the followings :- (4 × 4 = 16) 

a) Preservation of the emulsions

b) Coulter Counter method

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