IV Semester Examination May 2019 

                   BACHELOR OF PHARMACY

                          Pharmacognosy - 1


Time :- 3 hrs.                                        Marks :- 80

Answer any FIVE questions :-

1. a) Define the term "Pharmacognosy" and discuss its historical developments. (5)

b) Discuss the morphological system of classification of the crude drugs with its merits and demerits. (5)

c) Differentiate between Organized and Unorganized drugs giving its suitable examples. (3)

d) Briefly discuss "Animals" as a source of drugs giving the suitable examples. (3)

2. a) Explain the nutritional requirements for plant tissue culture. (6)

b) Discuss the steps involved in Cultivation, Collection and the Storage of Crude drugs. (10)

3. a) Define the term "Homeopathy". Discuss various principles of the Homeopathy. Give the names of any two homeopathic formulations with their uses. (6)

b) What are the Tannins ? Explain the types of tannins giving the suitable examples. Give the identification tests of tannins. (5)

c) Give the general chemical tests for identification of alkaloids. (3)

d) What do you mean by the "Secondary Metabolites"? Give the suitable examples. (2)

4. Write down the chemical nature, biological source and uses of the following :- (4 × 4 = 16)

a) Jute 

b) Tragacanth

e) Pterocarpus

d) Arjuna

5. Write down the chemical constituents, biological source and uses of the following :- (4 × 4 = 16)

a) Agar

b) Honey 

c) Gelatin

d) Liquorice

6. a) Write down the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of the Bees Wax and Chaulmogra Oil. (10)

b) Define and classify the carbohydrates with suitable examples. (6)

7. Write the informative notes on the following :-

a) Application of Plant tissue culture (4)

b) Polyploidy with respect to medicinal plants (6)

c) Marine Pharmacognosy (6)

8. a) Discuss the application of the Lycopodium spore method. (6)

b) Write informative note on the Conservation of Medicinal plants. (6) 

c) Define Resins and Resin combinations with suitable examples. (4)

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