II Semester Examination May 2021
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 75
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. Define homeostasis. Describe the components and type of feedback system with example. Discuss in detail the molecular pathogenesis of cell injury. (15 Marks)
2. Define ischemic heart diseases (IHD). Enlist the types of IHD. Discuss the pathophysiology of (with a neat diagram) atherosclerosis. (15 Marks)
3. Write the Pathophysiology of the following (Any Two): (7.5 x 2 = 15 Marks)
a) Wound Healing
b) Angina pectoris
C) Asthma
4. Classify types of cancer. Explain the etiology and pathogenesis of cancer. Differentiate between benign and neoplastic tumors. (15 Marks)
5. Enumerate the risk factors and explain the pathogensis of following disorders (Any Two): (7.5 x 2 = 15 Marks)
a) Peptic ulcer
b) Alzheimer's Disease
c) Diabetes Mellitus
6. Give the causative organism, pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of any two of the following: (7.5 x 2 = 15 Marks)
a) Gonorrhea
b) Typhoid
c) Leprosy