II Semester Examination May 2021
Human Anatomy and Physiology - II
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 75
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. Draw the structure of stomach. Explain the mechanism and regulation of acid production in stomach. (15)
2. Describe the structure and funtion of liver. Enumerate various disorders of GIT. (15)
3. Describe briefly :- (7.5 × 2 = 15)
a) Mechanism of respiration
b) Artificial respiration and resuscitation methods
4. Describe various parts of central nervous system. Explain the functions of cerebrum in detail. (15)
5. Explain the role of Renin Angiotensin system in kidney in maintaining the blood pressure. (15)
6. Write a short note on :- (7.5 × 2 = 15)
a) Fertilization
b) Oogenesis and spermatogenesis
7. Describe the secretions of thyroid gland. Explain its functions and disorders. (15)