II Semester Examination May 2021
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 75
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. What is glycolysis? Explain the phases of glycolysis and its energetics. (15 Mark)
2. Define and classify enzymes. Discuss mechanism of enzymes inhibition. (15 Mark)
3. Explain electron transport chain (ETC) and its role in energy capture. (15 Mark)
4. Explain B-oxidation of palmitic acid. Discuss its energetics. (15 Mark)
5. Explain the reaction of Citric Acid Cycle with flow diagram. (15 Mark)
6. Give a detailed account on protein synthesis and its inhibitors. (15 Mark)
7. Discuss the following (any two): (2 x 7.5 = 15 Marks)
a) Urea cycle and its disorder
b) Gluconeogenesis
c) Biosynthesis and utilization of Ketone bodies
8. Write a note on the following: (2 x 7.5 = 15 Marks)
a) Vitamin as coenzymes and its significance
b) Synthesis of 5-HT and its significance