B PHARM (SEM-2)

                THEORY EXAMINATION 2019-20 

                      P. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

Time :- 3 hrs.                                         Marks :- 75

                       SECTION - A

Q.1 Attempt all the questions in brief.   10 × 2 = 20

(A) Write the chemical structure and uses of the succinic and oxalic acid.

(B) Define the benzoin condensation reaction.

(C) Write the identification test of the aldehydes and alcohol.

(D) What are the difference between the E¹ and E² reaction.

(E) Write the two examples and the uses of aliphatic amines

(F) Write the IUPAC name of the following:-

(G) What are the uses of the vanillin and cinnamaldehyde.

(H) Give the free radical reactions of alkenes.

(I) Give the IUPAC name of following compound-: CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH.

(J) What are nucleophile and electrophile?

                      SECTION - B

Q.2 Attempt any two parts of the following :-   2 × 10 = 20

(A) 1. What are the SNI and SN2 reactions and discuss the SNI and SN2 reactions.

(B) Write about vanillin and benzaldehyde in detail.

(C) Write the short notes on cannizaro reaction and aldol condensation.

                     SECTION - C

Q.3 Attempt any five parts of the following:     7 × 5 = 35

(A)Define the ozonolysis..

(B) Write the structure and uses of the chloroform and trichloroethylene.

(C) Explain diels alder reaction with the mechanism.

(D) Explain markownikoff's rule with the examples.

(E) Write about the basicity of aliphatic amines and the factors affecting it.

(F) What is the isomerism ? Discuss various type of structural isomerism with the examples.

(G) Define the Nomenclature of organic compounds with examples.

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