I Year Examination - April 2019
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 80
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. a) Describe the collection and preparation of Rauwolfia. (8)
b) Give the definition of Pharmacognosy and discuss the history of Pharmacognosy. (8)
2. a) Describe the pharmacognostic detail of Rhubarb. (8)
b) Briefly discuss the collection and preparation of Opium. (8)
3. a) Write the biological source, distribution, organoleptic characters, chemical constituents and uses of any two of the following drugs: (8)
i) Aloes
ii) Digitalis
ii) Clove
b) Briefly explain the present status and scope of Pharmacognosy. (8)
4. a) Draw a well labeled diagram (TS) of any two of the following crude drugs :- (4 + 4 = 8)
i) Nux-vomica
ii) Cinchona
iii) Senna
b) Explain the chemical evaluation of crude drugs. (8)
5. a) Elaborate various systems of classification of crude drugs. (8)
b) Give source, preparation and identification testsof any two :- (4 + 4 = 8)
i) Cotton Silk
ii) Wool
6. Give the biological source, organoleptic characters, chemical constituents and uses of the following :- (4 × 4 = 16)
a) Arjuna
b) Coriander
c) Ginger
d) Ashwagandha
7. a) Write a note on pharmaceutical aids with examples. (8)
b) Give brief outline of occurrence, distribution, identification tests and pharmaceutical applica tions of Alkaloids. (8)
8. a) Give the pharmacognostic details of Vinca (8)
b) Define Adulteration and discuss significance of hes pharmacopocial standards in drug evalation. (8)