I Semester Examination November 2019 

                    BACHELOR OF PHARMACY

                             Pharmaceutics - I


Time :- 3 hrs.                                        Marks :- 75

Answer any FIVE questions :-

1. Attempt any six: (2.5 × 6 = 15)

a) Differentiate between Ointments and Creams.

b) What is synergistic combination of drugs? Give example.

c) Define Displacement Value and give its significance.

d) List out the excipients used in formulation of liquid dosage forms.

e) Send 100 G of 10% Zinc oxide ointment from the available 20%, 15%, 5% and 3% ointment.

f) Define Gargles and Mouthwashes.

g) Give the correction measures to overcome Physical incompatibility-Liquefaction in a prescription. 

h) Define Pharmacopoeia. Who is the father of Pharmacy in India?

2. a) Define Incompatibility. Discuss Chemical Incompatibility with suitable examples. (8)

b) Classify and discuss various types of Suppository bases with examples. (7)

3. a) What is a Prescription? With a model prescription explain various parts of a Prescription. (8)

b) How do you calculate the dose for a child based on age, body weight and body surface area? (7)

4. a) Discuss Dusting and Effervescent powders giving their definition, prescription example with use of each listed ingredient, care for dispensing the prescription and labelling requirements. (8)

b) Classify liquid dosage forms. Discuss the principle involved, preparation, use and labelling requirements of Turpentine Liniment L.P? (7)

5. a) Define Suspensions. Discuss the stability problems with suspensions adding a note on the methods used to overcome them. (8)

b) Discuss the identification tests for Emulsion and the various methods used for its preparation. (7)

6. a) Discuss Ointment bases with examples. What are the methods used for preparation of Ointments? (8)

b) Explain various evaluation tests for semi solid dosage forms? (7)

7. Write short notes on the following (any three): (3 × 5 = 15)

a) Errors in Prescription

b) Solubility enhancement techniques

c) Flocculated and Deflocculated suspension

d) Creaming of Emulsion


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