II Year Examination - April 2019
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - II
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 80
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. a) Write the structure of any eight :- (8)
i) Metronidazole
ii) DEC
iii) Chloroquine
iv) Chlorpromazine
v) Diazepam
vi) Cyclopropane
vii) Imipramine
viii) Isoprenaline
ix) Biperidone
x) Phenformine
b) Give structure and IUPAC name of two tranquilizer and general anaesthetic drugs. (8)
2. Define and classify antimalarial drugs with structure. Give nomenclature and write popular brand name of any three drugs, (16)
3. a) Write a note on anti-convulsants. (8)
b) Write a note on cardiac glycosides. (8)
4. a) Write chemical structure, category and uses of any four :- (4 × 2 = 8)
i) Phenylbutazone
ii) Aspirin
iii) Pentazocin
iv) Salbutamol
v) Neostigmine
b) Write a note on Cholinergic drugs. (8)
5. Write detailed notes on :- (4 × 4 = 16)
a) Steroidal drugs
b) Antiarrhythmics
c) Vitamins.
d) Cardiovascular drugs
6. a) Define and classify Diuretics drugs. Give chemical structure and popular brand name of any two drugs belonging to this category. (8)
b) Give chemical structure, IUPAC and category of (2 × 4 = 8)
7. Write a detailed account on hypoglycemic and anticoagulant. (16)