II Semester Examination May 2019 

                    BACHELOR OF PHARMACY

            Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry


Time :- 3 hrs.                                        Marks :- 80

Answer any FIVE questions :-

1. Write any two qualitative tests with chemical reactions involved for each of the following (any four) :- (4 × 4 = 16)

a) Aldehydes

b) Ketones

c) Amines

d) Carboxylic acids

e) Esters

2. Explain any two :- (8 × 2 = 16)

a) Markownikoffs orientation

b) Cross aldol condensation

e) Benzoin condensation

3. Discuss any two :- (8 × 2 = 16)

a) Neucleophilic addition 

b) Electromeric effect 

c) Crossed Cannizzaro

4. Write the structures and uses of the following compounds (any eight) :- (2 × 8 = 16)

a) Acetyl salicylic acid

b) Benzoic acid 

c) Lactic acid

d) Acetone 

e) Hexamine

f) Cinnamaldehyde

g) Benzyl Benzoate

h) Tartaric acid Benzaldehyde

i) Choral hydrate

5. Write detailed account of the following :- (8 × 2 = 16)

a) What are elimination reactions ? Discuss E1 vs. E2 reactions.

b) What is electrophilic addition to olifines ? Discuss addition reactions to olifines like hydrogenation, halogenation and ozonolysis.

6. Discuss the following :- (8 × 2 = 16)

a) What is SN1 and SN2 reactions mechanism? Discuss factors affecting on SN1 and SN2 reactions mechanism. 

b) Write detailed account of the following :-

i) Factors affecting E1 and E2 reactions. 

ii) SP3 hybridization in alkanes.

7. Write the methods of preparations and uses of Benzyl alcohol and Propylene glycol. (8 × 2 = 16)

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