I Year Examination - April 2019
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Time :- 3 hrs. Marks :- 80
Answer any FIVE questions :-
1. Describe physiology of internal and external respiration in human body. (16)
2. Draw labelled diagram of internal structure of human eye and explain physiology of vision. (16)
3. Classify different types of joints of human body with examples and write a note on joint disorders. (16)
4. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2 x 8 = 16)
a) Hormones of Pituitary gland.
b) Anatomy and Physiology of female reproductive system.
c) Structure of human cell and functions of its organelles.
5. Write functions of different components of human blood and explain physiology of blood clotting. (16)
6. Describe structure of skeletal muscle and explain physiology of skeletal muscle contraction. (16)
7. Write short notes on any two of the following :- (2 x 8 = 16)
a) Reflex action
b) Functions of Liver
c) Blood pressure and its recording